I've get the fresh house in my hands.
I'm into this thing where I say what I think. You know, complete honesty. None of that holding back when I think someone might disagree or if I think it will hurt someone. Sometimes it's no good. But I guess I feel like the people I surround myself with deserve that, you know? I know that's what I want.
Everyone says the truth hurts. But lies hurt, too. So get over it. Life is about pain and life is about joy and it's all so amazingly perfect that it hurts, too.
I know people argue that happiness should be happiness simply because it is ... but I continue to argue that happiness is true happiness because we have pain in our lives. We cherish those good moments more because we know what it's like to be without all of it. Just me thinking here, but that's my experiences.
This guy that I work with counted how many times Calvert messed up in my show. Said it was 7 times in 5 minutes. I tell him to get his ass up and do what she's doing and perform any better. (Kind of censored myself there b/c I wanted to call him "gimp ass" but I guess I draw the line when it comes to disabilities...that's just mean to take advantage of, you know?)
Final thought of the day:
People think that because I'm young ... I don't know what I'm talking about or what I'm doing. Although there are instances that's true ... I argue that age ain't nuttin but a number bee-otch.
two days off now. sweet.
I've been dealing with the age prejudice for a couple years now. It makes it all the more sweet when you can show up someone twice your age.
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