Thursday, December 15, 2005

2 pm tomorrow, come now!

Although it's only been a week that I've even sort of been a part of the "real world" (i.e. life after college), I've already come to the realization that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Certain people have pissed me off; but that's to be expected. The real thing that has bothered me is how I feel as though I actually have less time than when I was still in classes. Lame.

Maybe it will get better next week.

Other randomness...Guess I'm producing the KPTM show on New Years. So much for getting out of there early enough to be buzzed for the countdown. And apologies to Derek if I'm not even around at midnight. You can kiss Tony if you so desire.

No soccer tonight. That's lame.

Just realized I'm bitching a lot. Apologies. Think I'm just tired because I'm trying to get used to this new schedule. Stuff pisses me off then.

Think positives, Jen...

Friends come home soon. Ems said she might make it in for dinner tomorrow after graduation. Wouldn't doubt it if she missed, but that's okay. Buttringer's here now. Word on the street is there will be a raging Cheesy Christmas Sweater party Friday night. Not sure where but my gut feeling says it'll be pretty hot. Courtney should be home. Maybe she'll pilate with me (can I say that? what's the word for the act of doing pilates? meh.).

Lauren comes around Christmas. Not sure if she got my memo about shopping for "adult-like" clothes over break, but if you're out there in blog-reader land, we should go shopping. I need clothes for work and I hear you don't want to look like a 12-year-old (even though I don't think you do). Other good thing about Lauren coming is that Todd will be happy. Lame-oh is always trying to steal my boyfriend to cuddle when he's lonely at night. Effin Todd.

Gotta meet with Hilt now. Heard I got an A in his class-Wahoo! (heehee)

hjdaeor nvsda. yep.


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