Monday, December 05, 2005


Went to school this morning to turn in my camera. Definitely signed it out until tomorrow at noon instead. Meh. Then I submitted my TV News Video test in Blackboard that I've been putting off for about 2 weeks. Definitely thought it was going to be late but apparently it's not due until Thursday. Yeah me!

Got some flashcards made for Bio since I won't be attending lecture anymore. Flashcards rock my world. Think it has something to do with me being a cross between a kinetic and a visual learner. Kinetic b/c I remember what I write and visual because I remember how I wrote it. Wierd. Good thing I took Study Skills in 7th grade so I could have all of that worthless info about myself!

Went to the Sprint store after that. Now I have a good $116 coming my way in the next 3-5 days. The bastards tried to steal it from my like an effin leprechaun...but I caught 'em. Bastards.

Final thought of the day:

Been thinking about renting a storage garage thing for the month of January. Then I'll crash at mi madre's house for a couple of weeks and then move into the new A-P-T sometime in mid to late January. Because I get paid my tech salary on this next check which will go to buy Christmas gifts and what not, and then I get my first producing check on the 30th. Now, I could probably find somebody that would allow me to pay my deposit and first month's rent right as I move in on the 30th, but I think that's cutting it a bit close for getting the old A-P-T cleaned up while also trying to settle into a new one.

We'll see, though. Maybe it'll be fine...especially because I should get holiday pay on that there first producing check for both Christmas and Christmas Eve which I will also be working on so me thinks it's double time! WOO WOO. Crazy shiz-nit is bouts to be crack'a'lackin.

Stopping. Now.


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