what the ...?
times up. not like it matters. the bill passed to the third round a couple hours ago. 39 to 9. crazy.
i want to find out who voted against it. i'm pretty sure i can place bets on who it was ... everyone from omaha besides ernie. and some random person that is still honest that building.
they're deal making with our future ... maybe not mine directly. but my children's future. my grandchildren's future. my city's future.
we already live in a city in which we barely recognize martin luther king day outside of north omaha. cinco de mayo is a day kids get to hit a pinata during music class while listening to the mexican hat dance. what do the children in our town know about other cultures?
the big o tries to pretend we belong in the top 50 ... and yet we have the mindset of 1960's birmingham. sure, maybe that's a bit of a stretch ... but that's only because no one brings it to the forefront. we sit idly by and ignore the fact that white people in this town are content to look down on black people, hispanic people, sudanese, etc. and everyone else is content with the fact that that's how it is. sure they may understand that a city shouldn't operate that way, but life is just easier to ignore.
live and let fucking live.
but now something has brought the concept of our segregated city to the forefront and what do we do? we embrace it. we say, "oh it's already segregated so why should we push to have integrated schools?"
i know, i know. there's a lot of good that can come out of more localized school boards. children who are born from immigrant parents can get better esl funding and attention. latch-key neighborhoods can be identified and better after school programs can be put into place.
but why can't we simply address the areas that need that ... because we already have a damn good idea ... and address the freaking situation without splitting our school system up along what are very strong racial lines?
i just don't get it. but have no fear ... i'm sure those 39 senators have something to gain from passing this amendment through. god forbid the kids of omaha gain anything.
I agree with you 100%. What wouldn't please the west O sububia more than a split up OPS and no contact with minorities. They look at race as a joke.
The problem is people are so self-absorbed they don't realize what they're doing is hurting the children. If this bill passes all the way we take 20 steps in the wrong direction. Plus I see it going to the supreme court as unconstitutional.
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