Tuesday, January 17, 2006

2 down ... ? to go

So since Lauren asked in my last post ... I suppose I'll update about how the show's been. Here's the thing: first night went not so hot. We had some issues with tapes not being cued and with people not being 100% certain about where we were in the show. And of course we had the problem with new staff all around (myself included).
Second night/tonight: so much better like I can't even explain. I didn't watch the tape, but it just felt better. And there weren't any huge glowing mistakes like before.

Kinda felt a little bummed earlier in the afternoon, though. See, we had meetings about the KPTM show and what went wrong and then we actually waited until after our normal meeting at 2 so we could spend a sufficient amount of time on discussing what went wrong with the WB show. There was so much wrong with it that 15 minutes was NOWHERE near long enough to discuss it. So all of these things that people were saying were wrong with the show ... were things that I was told to do. What am I supposed to do when my boss is telling me to do something this way ... and then it doesn't work so they tell me to do it another way. But of course if that doesn't work they'll be like "well why didn't you tell me if you didn't think that would work?" erg to bosses, sometimes ... even though my "boss" (i.e. person I actually consider my boss not be direct superior) is actually really cool.

And I'm so stoked on the way everyone (pretty much) seems so supportive of the show. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get everyone on the whole "team" wavelength ... but we have as many people as we need. And everyone that isn't on that kick with us can just eat it, you know? And by it I mean cantaloupe and mushrooms because I don't want 'em.

Final quote of the day:
Why did Chuck Norris watch the WB newscast?


...no, just because.